
Monday, 29 April 2013

Weather Dressing Up Box

With the weather changing so quickly at the moment (one minute we are enjoying the sun having a picnic in the garden, the next we are caught in hailstones!), Poppet's weather vocabulary is getting a good workout, and she is especially enjoying her Maisy's Wonderful Weather Book. I think the only weather she hasn't experienced since learning to talk is a thunderstorm, I'm really looking forward to showing her that!

So to expand on the weather theme, I went through the house and gathered lots of weather related dressing up things - I got Poppet's sunhat, sunglasses, swimming costume, my scarf, her raincoat and wellies, suncream, a paper umbrella/parasol, mittens and woollen hat and put them all into a basket.

I then read her the book (in which Maisy the mouse gets appropriately attired for a sunny day, a snowy day, a rainy day, a windy day, a storm and a rainbow day, sorry if I have just ruined the ending), and encouraged her to get dressed up to suit the weather. I think she was just a little bit too young for this activity, it took a lot of coaxing for the first weather before she got the idea. Her very favourite thing to put on was the wellies and raincoat, once they were on they were not coming off.

A Rainy Day

In fact the raincoat was still on 4 hours later, sitting on the sofa watching Brave. Because it was raining outside.

A Windy Day

       A Snowy Day

She was also really keen to get Little in on the act. I'm not sure what weather they were going for here.

She ended up just freestyling for the rest of the morning. I really need to get a proper dressing up box organised as she as at that stage where she loves taking clothes off and on. I often put her down for her nap in one outfit and when I go back to get her she is wearing something completely different!

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