
Monday, 6 May 2013

A Fairy Garden

I remember creating little gardens in seed trays when I was little, so thought it would be a nice thing to try with Poppet. I had all of the things already apart from the glass beads which I picked up in town this morning for  £1.50.

We started off by sitting down together and reading some of Flower Fairies to set the scene, this got Poppet pretty excited about the prospect of a fairy garden but I have to say she did seem pretty disappointed at the lack of actual fairies when we were finished!

I laid out a seed tray, bucket of compost, trowel and rake, glitter, already painted shells, green glass beads, little bird house and some flowers from around the garden. We did this in the back garden, it's been another lovely warm day.

She started off filling the seed tray up with compost but lost interest so I finished filling it for her. I gave her a bit of direction as to where the fairy house should go and started off the garden path and she was away. 

For some reason she buried a lot of the glass beads. I can't remember if I did any seed planting with her last year which she might be remembering,  I don't think we did, but it seemed very much like she was treating them like seeds. The glitter as ever was very popular. The finished garden looked very pretty!

Ideally it would have been finished off nicely with a couple of toy fairies but unfortunately I don't have any so the garden is currently home to a panda and a horse. The fairy garden now has pride of place in her play garden. I'm hoping to sneak some fairies in there at some point to surprise her!


  1. Hi there! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Tots. Great post. I'm featuring it on this week's Tuesday Tots so keep your eye out for it. Look forward to seeing more from you. :)

    1. thanks! I look forward to seeing the post tomorrow


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