
Friday, 31 January 2014

A Little Garden Update on a Rainy Afternoon

All of the girls' toys, games and art & craft supplies have been packed away and dust-sheeted up as the extension has been broken through to join onto the existing house now (this equates to a whole lot of dust and rubble!). We have been setting up camp in the imaginatively named 'TV room', which is a small room downstairs where we have our TV that is unaffected by the building work (apart from the fact that it has been crammed full with displaced stuff from the rest of the house).

My lifeline has been the TV. We have been watching far too many DVDs than is healthy, trying to keep the girls out of the way from the building work going on in the house - I've watched Cinderella, Anastasia, Tangled and Swan Lake (just terrible) enough to last me a lifetime. Poppet has rather enjoyed this lifestyle and I think I will have to wean her off DVD's slowly!

We get out most days for some fresh air and to stretch our legs as the girls have dancing classes and toddler groups on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on our days off we go to the library, the shops or the park. I don't drive so we walk everywhere (well me and Poppet do, Little goes in her pushchair). 

Today we hadn't been outside at all; we had to stay in in the morning to help Uncle Mike while he got the heating in the extension up and running (house is now all toasty thank you Uncle Mike). In the afternoon, Little was napping and Poppet was requesting yet another DVD. Our garden has been out of bounds for a while because of the building work but I decided to take Poppet out to explore all the changes. It was windy and raining but Poppet has been given a lovely new cosy waterproof all-in-one from Grandma, just perfect for our wet and wild weather!

We managed to make our way to the back garden after navigating around the scaffolding; Poppet was most disturbed by the 'broken' steps and general mess - "we better go inside mum". But we persevered!

We hadn't seen the back of the house since the brickwork and roof went up on the extension - it looked so big! 

Pea seedlings have survived the winter

We checked on our little winter veg plot - and were very excited to see a row of little pea seedlings just poking up through the soil. Our garlic has all grown too, I'm  really looking forward to our garlic harvest in the summer and seeing if it tastes any better than shop bought.

Our garlic is getting big!

Poppet checked her 3 purple broccoli plants, (except she called them pink broccolis until I reminded her they were going to be purple) - she declared them to be 'not ready yet', and was also disappointed to find no strawberries on her plants. After our short but fresh trip outdoors we felt a lot better.

Poppet: 3 yrs
Little 16mos (as ever, napping - I promise to do a Little post shortly!)

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I remember when our extension was built so well. My son was 3 months old and we had no kitchen at all for 2 weeks. I'm still finding dust 3 years on! It will all be worth it though, it's fantastic when you have that extra space. And your veg plot looks great :)

    1. I have given up on dusting now, no sooner do I wipe down, a new layer appears!Currently in the no kitchen stage, but it's arriving on Monday! 3 months old is brave! X

  2. It will all be worth it in the end with all the extra room you will have and it looks like things are growing well in the garden. Poppet suit is great for keeping her warm and dry for some great outdoor fun too. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel now! have missed getting out to the garden but its nice to see things are still growing anyway! x

  3. It's great that you managed to get outside even with the chaos of building works! How amazing will it be when that extension is finished!

    1. can't wait for the extension to be finished! thank you x

  4. how super you have a veg plot i would love one in my garden x

    1. it was what hooked me on the house to start with! x

  5. I love the shots of the green shoots poking through. We haven't started on the garden yet this year but I am starting to get twitchy so I might get a few seeds planted next week! I hope your building work ends soon x

    1. We planted those in November, so nice to see that they have survived the cold winter! thank you x

  6. Oooh, extensions - good luck and I hope it is finished long before those peas and garlic are ready to harvest!


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