Wednesday 24 April 2013

Conjunctivitis Playdough

Both girls have got conjunctivitis just now and it's horrible seeing their eyes so red and sore looking. It's a round the clock job cleaning the gunk out of their eyes, administering eye drops and trying to keep them from rubbing their eyes with their (usually quite dirty) hands.

So I thought it would be a good time to try out some scented playdough, and picked eucalyptus oil for its anti-bacterial properties. Hopefully it will save me from a bit of hand sanitising! Both girls have a wee cough and are generally snotty so the lovely smell of eucalyptus should really soothe them.

I followed the 4 minute playdough recipe from The Imagination Tree and added green food colouring and eucalyptus oil at the dough stage and kneaded it in.  

It has become a  play scene for some  'Brave' storytelling, Poppet is a big fan!

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